E3610A / E3611A / E3612A / E3614A / E3615A / E3616A / E3617A / E3620A / E3630A Power supplies

This is a collection of notes and information on how to repair these supplies. I happen to have and use a number of these power supplies from various vintages. Some of them were bought in working condition, some of them as-is. Some of them developed issues over the years  and i had to repair them. 


The original E36xx range consists of 9 supplies.

E3610A / E3611A / E3612A

Dual range , single output, CV and CC mode. Adjustable current limit

Note : These supplies are region specific and either 100, 120 or 240 volt. They are NOT switchable

E3614A / E3615A / E3616A / E361A

Single range, single output, CV and CC mode. Remote programming (voltage or resistance), remote sensing , rear outputs, tracking ability, adjustable overvoltage protection. Adjustable current limit

Note : These supplies are switchable


Isolated dual output, CV and Cl mode. Fixed current limit


Isolated dual output, second channel has positive and negative rail ideal for split supply opamp circuits.

CV CL and tracking mode. Fixed current limit.
